Our projects

See our innovative projects in the agricultural industry.


As part of our research on biostimulants and biological products, we conducted tests on sugar beet crops in two locations: in Przecław (podkarpackie voivodeship) and in Malbork (pomeranian voivodeship).


We studied the impact of amino acid biostimulants on the yield of sugar beet. Based on the results obtained, the average yield from the plots was 110 t/ha, with the highest yield reaching 118 t/ha. These results confirm the high effectiveness of the biostimulants used in this location.


We tested various combinations of biological products. In the case of applying a dose of 6L/ha (consisting of 1.5L x 4 applications), we achieved an average yield of 86.6 t/ha, which represents an 8% increase compared to the control (average from 24 plots). Meanwhile, on several plots where different combinations were applied, the yield exceeded 90 t/ha, indicating a 13% increase relative to the control.


The year 2024 looks exceptionally promising for sugar beet cultivation. The test results from various regions of the country are highly diverse, but in some locations, yields may exceed 100 t/ha, which could indicate record sugar production. The average yield of sugar beet in Poland is currently around 68 t/ha, representing a 6% increase compared to the previous year.


As part of our research on potato cultivation, we conducted tests in the West Pomerania Voivodeship, where we assessed two potato varieties: Innovator (produced by HZPC) and Laudilla (produced by Solana Poland). The purpose of these tests was not only to analyze yields but also to evaluate the resistance of the varieties to the most important diseases that can affect the quality and productivity of the crops.

Yield and fraction assessment

Initially, we focused on assessing the total yield of potatoes from various plots. Additionally, we analyzed the yield by fraction, which allowed us to determine the quality of the obtained tubers based on their size and intended use (e.g., for consumption, food industry, starch production, etc.). The actions taken enabled a detailed comparison of the performance of both varieties under different soil and climatic conditions.

Disease Protection

Simultaneously with the yield assessment, we also examined the resistance of both varieties to key potato diseases, such as::

Dry rot (Fusarium sp.) – a disease caused by fungi from the Fusarium genus, which can lead to tissue decay in tubers and reduce the quality of the harvest.

Wet rot (Pectobacterium sp.) – a bacterial disease that causes the rotting of potato tubers, especially in humid conditions, affecting yield and quality.

Potato blight (Phytophthora infestans) – one of the most dangerous potato diseases, causing rapid plant damage, especially in wet periods, leading to significant yield losses.


.The tests conducted in the west pomerania Voivodeship provided valuable information about the performance and resistance of the tested potato varieties to the most important diseases. The conclusions from this research allow farmers to better select varieties suited to local cultivation conditions and to more effectively manage the risks associated with potato diseases.


It is one of the most important oilseed crops grown in Poland, used for both edible oil production and biofuels. In our research work, we focus on optimizing rapeseed yields by testing various fertilization, biostimulation, and pest and disease protection strategies. We also analyze the resistance of rapeseed varieties to changing climatic conditions, with particular attention to resistance to diseases such as blackleg (Leptosphaeria maculans) and viral diseases. Our research assists farmers in selecting the best rapeseed varieties and effective crop management methods, leading to increased production efficiency and improved crop quality.


This year, the harvest of apples and pears is significantly smaller by about 20-50% mainly due to severe spring frosts. In April, there was a risk that temperatures dropping to -3.5°C could destroy up to 80% of fruit crops. In the Belsk Duży region, we conducted tests on pears under conditions of severe stress for fruit trees caused by the frosts.

Frost Protection Tests

On April 18th, we applied frost protection for the trees, using a dose of 15 liters per hectare. After the treatment, we noted positive effects, and ultimately achieved a result of 61 t/ha. In the second half of the season, on July 30th, we repeated the treatment, but with a smaller dose of the product to provide additional protection for the fruit trees. Thanks to these actions, we managed to minimize losses and obtain a satisfactory yield despite the challenging weather conditions.


In the area of Belsk Duży, we conducted tests regarding the impact of amino acids on the protection of apple trees against spring frosts. Our research aimed to assess the effectiveness of amino acids in minimizing damage caused by low temperatures during the spring period, which can significantly affect the quality and quantity of yields.


On several plots, we conducted tests on onions. Thanks to the proper dosing of fertilizers and biostimulants, we were able to increase the yield by 25% with a dosage of 4x2L = 8 liters per hectare. Due to the low amount of rainfall and high temperatures, the application of a smaller dose of 3x2L = 6 liters per hectare proved to be less effective, resulting in only a 7.5% increase in yields.


In the vicinity of Wieluń, we conducted tests on carrots under difficult weather conditions – low precipitation and high temperatures. Nevertheless, we managed to increase the yield by 21% with a dose of 3x2L = 6 liters per hectare. Additionally, thanks to the technology applied, we were able to reduce the amount of non-marketable carrots (forked, with a diameter below 1.5 cm, cracked) by 26%.

The average carrot yield in Poland is about 40-60 t/ha, with hybrid varieties achieving 60-80 t/ha. In ridge cultivation, the yield can reach even 85-90 t/ha. Our result is 75 t/ha, which confirms the effectiveness of the applied technology.


In Przecław (Podkarpacie Province), we conducted trials on soybeans, which currently ranks second in terms of profitability for production. While soybeans are still a niche crop in Poland, they are gaining increasing popularity and are expected to see significant growth in the coming years. In 2021, soybeans were grown on 21,000 hectares, and by 2024, this area expanded to 79,000 hectares, representing a 270% increase. This demonstrates the great potential of this crop in Polish agriculture.